Solari 2KW Professional Intelligent Solar Power Generation Module
Check out these features!
* Wifi, Bluetooth and ethernet communications.
* Twin articulating 320 Watt Solar Panels retract for compact storage and transportation.
* Built in MPPT Solar Charge controller, Lightning Protection, system monitoring and control.
* Visual alarm status for surge protection, system status and battery voltage monitor.
* Heavy duty 3KW 120VAC Inverter, 220 Option
* NEMA 4 rated enclosure. Fan cooled and an internal LED strip light for night time assistance.
* Internal 400Amp/HR. Lithium Storage Battery with 5 Year warranty. (800AH Option)
* Color Touch Screen local display on Control Panel.
* Enough power to start and run a 1 3/4HP
electric motor at 120VAC!
* Built in GPS for worldwide position data.
* Solar Research Technologies covers your system with a Five Year warranty, and free Factory System Monitoring and Tech Support!
Perfect for mobile power applications without a fuel source.
Hydraulic solar array positioning system.

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